The very concept of bank always put us in a peaceful tomorrow. A place where you deposit today and get the benefits tomorrow is usually understood by a bank. Today not only deposit and cares for you money. It preserves something which money cannot buy. When a baby is born, the blood in the umbilical cord, which is rich in stem cells, used to be thrown away. But the stem cells have a unique capacity to renew it. Hence, medical practitioners though that this blood which can regenerate the white cells can be used for several incurable diseases. It is a magical medicine for Bone marrow transplantation.
Within 10 minutes from the baby’s birth, the blood in the umbilical cord is collected and preserved. Around 75 ml of the blood is required. The blood is collected without giving any pain to the mother or the child. Now this blood is preserved by using different chemicals and in special bags. A particular temperature is used to store the blood. If the temperature is not correct, it results in damage of the blood cells. With the consent of the parents, this blood is stored in a Cord Blood bank. Now the blood can be stored for public or private use. If it is used for public then without the parent consent the blood is used when required. But if the cord blood is used for private then it is stored in a Private cord blood bank. Further, the blood is used only with the parents consent. In case the child becomes 18 years of age then the he/she is the owner of the cord blood. Further, the cord blood cannot be used without his/her consent. The blood may be used for any of the family member too. Unlike the public bank the Private cord blood bank does not get much support from the medical bodies. Private cord blood banks stores the blood very carefully to keep the link with the donor. The link is kept to retrieve it later. Private Banks charge an amount to preserve the cord blood. It has been heard that the private banks have been criticized for their marketing campaigns to preserve the umbilical cord blood. The private cord blood bank has to follow protocol to preserve the cord blood. Clients have the right to check the accreditation of the private cord blood bank.
It is required for all parents to store their child’s cord blood in a private bank. This blood may help anyone in the family. Main the compatibility with the sibling is always good. Hence, to prevent fatal diseases like leukemia, sickle cell anemia and even bone marrow transplantation. Different private bank charges different amount to preserve the cord blood. The service by the private blood bank is not free. However, the charge is billed to the patient’s insurance company.
Few modern researchers have proved that even if the process is a little expensive still parents should always be encouraged to preserve the cord blood for future.