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Bionicare Is Helping Those With Osteoarthritis Of The Knee To Perform Exercises For Stronger Joints
9/22 15:19:51

Osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the most prevalent forms of the disease. This degenerative disease affects millions of people worldwide each year, who suffer from medical issues such as immense pain and lack of mobility. In recognition of National Arthritis Month of September, sufferers of the disease may wish to take note of a new development within the industry. One new product is transforming the way those with this disease go about their daily lives, and is offering hope to millions worldwide. With the help of the BioniCare Knee System those suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee, can perform exercises that will help put them on the road to victory against this painful problem.

BioniCare is the industry’s first non-invasive, non-drug treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee. The product works by producing an electronic signal that imitates the electronic pulse found in a healthy knee. For full effect, this signal is delivered through electrodes that are applied to the knee and thigh, forming a high-powered solution to the pain associated with the disease of osteoarthritis. This solution is designed precisely for those who have moderate to severe forms of osteoarthritis. In fact, it’s the world’s first FDA-approved simulator specifically made for those with the disease.

The BioniCare Knee System is ideal for those who wish to avoid complex surgery and also want to avoid taking addictive pain killers, which only serve to mask the discomfort associated with the disease. In clinical studies, results have shown sufferers of the osteoarthritis can gain the same results as those that have had knee surgery within 2250 hours of using the BioniCare Knee System.

Since the device utilizes an integrated OA unloader brace that can reduce the impact of weight bearing on the bone and therefore reduce pain, many have found that the BioniCare Knee System lays down the perfect foundation for them to rebuild their active, healthy lifestyle. Those using the product should find that they are comfortably able to complete leg lifts, push ups and other strength building exercises while using the product, and therefore should be able to quickly resolve problems associated with osteoarthritis when implementing a full exercise regime alongside the use of the BioniCare treatment.

It is recommended however that you speak with a medical professional before taking on any exercises that could potentially cause further problems with the affected area.

Since the device utilizes an integrated OA unloader brace that can reduce the impact of weight bearing on the bone and therefore reduce pain, many have found that the BioniCare Knee System lays down the perfect foundation for them to rebuild their active, healthy lifestyle. Those using the product should find that they are comfortably able to complete leg lifts, push ups and other strength building exercises while using the product, and therefore should be able to quickly resolve problems associated with osteoarthritis when implementing a full exercise regime alongside the use of the BioniCare treatment.

It is recommended however that you speak with a medical professional before taking on any exercises that could potentially cause further problems with the affected area.

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