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Bone Pain In Legs
9/22 15:19:26

Fractures, bone pain, foot or leg cramp during post menopause can also be referred to as Osteoporosis. Bone strength slowly decreases and causes the skeletal system to become more fragile. Bone density represents about 70 percent of the bone's strength. When osteoporosis exists, the bone become porous, giving the body a greater chance to have fractures, bone pain, foot or leg cramps.

There are two types of shin splints; Anterior and Posterior. If you feel down the front of your lower leg, you will feel the edges of a bone close to the surface - it's like you have a school ruler in your leg.

The pelvis has a recessed area (socket) that accommodates the ball on the femur. Hence, the term ball and socket joint. This ball and socket arrangement allows the joint a great deal of flexibility and is protected against dislocation by a combination of extremely strong ligaments and layers of muscle surrounding the joint.

The femur, which is the thigh bone and is the longest and strongest bone in the body. The hip joint is formed when the upper part of the femur fits into the pelvis causing the leg to move forward, backward and sideways. The upper part of the femur is broken when people speak of a broken hip.

Other pain relief medications are prescribed and can have even more serious side effects. Drugs like vicodin and percocet are prescription, heavy duty narcotic pain relief pills that are addictive and dangerous if not taken carefully. New studies suggest those drugs that block pain could also be stimulating receptors that cause pain as well.

The tendons that attach your muscles to the bones become inflamed as a result of constant strain during your daily activities in the course of your work life. People with occupations that require them to bend their legs often and lift heavy objects often experience swelling and stiffness in the knee joints causing knee leg pain.

She is an 18-year-old lady, with brittle bone type 1 disease, who breaks bones easily and has loose joints, wakes up every morning with aches and pains all over her body, had the following to say about her experience.

Sometimes a person truly does need surgery. But surgery should always be a last resort. Once a body part is removed or fused or altered it's changed forever. And if it doesn't cure your problem it makes it harder for natural methods to succeed. Maybe not impossible, just harder.

Pains occur when there is an ama buildup in the body. Ama is the name given to the toxic materials caused due to improper digestion that cannot be expelled from the body. Such ama causes several problems, including leg pains. Ama is built up due to high agni, i.e. digestive fire, which is governed by the pitta dosha. Hence there is also a pitta relation with the leg pains.

Some of these guys were not qualified doctors but were said to have the Gift and most of them were very good at this job.

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