Limb lengthening surgery has been in the news for quite some time now. Know what this surgery is all about, in this article.

These days, most people seem to be obsessed with the way they look. Some of them resort to plastic or cosmetic surgeries to enhance their looks. Until now you might have thought of everything that can be corrected with the help of surgery but definitely not height. Not anymore, because now it is very much possible to add a few inches to your height. Surgery to increase height has been popularized in China since past few years. Height-conscious Chinese people are opting for this surgery in large numbers. Although, this surgery has gained popularity in China, it originated in Russia several decades ago. Then, it was mainly performed as a corrective procedure for deformities in legs or in treating dwarfism. Ever since it came to China, it is being performed for cosmetic reasons.
Surgery to Make You Taller
As mentioned above, limb lengthening surgery was earlier performed to correct certain deformities. People with distorted leg bones and those suffering from dwarfism benefited the most from this surgery. As this surgery enables you to add a few inches to your height it became popular for cosmetic purposes as well. Even people with average height are seeking this surgical option to enhance their personality by adding a few inches. This surgery is sought after by men and women alike.
This surgical procedure is best described as gruesome. It involves breaking down your leg bones (tibia-fibula) at various positions. Then, a metal device, comprising two rings and extendable rods (fixator) is fixed on the broken ends of the bone through skin. The device comes with rotator screws which are to be rotated to lengthen the rods by few millimeters at regular intervals. Your surgeon may instruct you how to rotate the screws everyday so that you achieve a desired growth rate. The rotation causes the broken bone ends to drift apart so that bone regrowth can take place in the gap. Over a period of three months, your bone fills the gap completely. As a result, you gain the desired inches.
Needless to say, lengthening surgery on limbs is an extremely painful procedure. Apart from breaking healthy bones this procedure also involve certain other gruesome steps. As you rotate the screws you experience excruciating pain in the leg region. You have to endure the painful procedure for three months or more. The pain doesn't end here. Even in the bone strengthening process that goes for another three months, you have to endure unbearable pain. During this time, you are wheelchair bound and are required to undergo certain physiotherapy limb lengthening exercises. These exercises also inflict a lot of pain on your legs. It is not until a year that you can resume normal activities like walking. It may take you several months to finally exert pressure on your feet.
Pros and Cons
The biggest advantage of this surgery is that it gives you what it promises. You can definitely add a couple of inches to your height through this surgery. However, the cons of this surgery outweigh its advantages. Firstly, the surgery is extremely agonizing. You have to spend several month in absolute pain. Besides, there is a risk of permanent disability, if your bone does not regrow as expected. Another major pitfall of this surgery is its extremely high cost. You may have to shell as high as $120,000 for this surgery.
Instead of this extreme surgery, you may try different natural ways to gain some height such as exercises or have growth supplements. If you must do it, make sure you do enough research and choose only the best surgery clinic. Remember, you are at risk of getting crippled for lifetime, hence choose your options wisely.