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4 Things You Should Know About Osteoporosis
9/26 15:55:38
It is a sad fact, but a true one that over 80% of osteoporosis patients in the USA are women. More women are at risk of having this disease in their advance age, making it one of the biggest health problems of American women. Though men do get this disease, a woman's odds of getting are one in three. There are reasons for this and here they are along with other facts about this problem that you should know about.

• Why are women at risk?
When one hits 40, bone density starts to go thinner whether the person is a man or woman. But in the next 10 years, women lose more bone density than men because the estrogen level starts to go down at this age. This hormone is reason for absorption of calcium in blood and as the level goes down; your body can't absorb calcium like before. That is why women need to be aware of this problem even in their prime so that they have a better health in their old age.

• What can further affect this risk?
Apart from natural causes, there are bad habits that can increase the risk of women having osteoporosis. Smoking is one such habit which can lead to a painful old age, even if you give up smoking by that time! If you are smoking when you hit your menopausal age, you are increasing your chances. Though it is not clear exactly how smoking is responsible, it is a proven fact that it bring your menopause early. Another bad habit that will affect your bones later on is the habit of drinking too much fuzzy drinks. Even over-exercising can lead to such problems later on.

• How can you avoid it?
First of all, being aware is the first step of avoiding osteoporosis in the later years. If your family, especially maternal relatives have a problem with this disease, you should be more alert when you hit the 40s. If you have any of the bad habits discussed above, lose them now! As for fighting it, your diet is the first step for it. Fortify your diet with calcium enriched foods like yoghurt (low fat if you are overweight), spinach, fresh fruit and such vegetables. Also don't be underweight as well as that will also increase your chance of osteoporosis. If you are already in your 50s and 60s, then try to avoid falling down as that can be dangerous for you. Lastly, make sure you ingest the prescribed dosage of calcium as well as vitamin D every day.

• Is medication the answer to this problem?
There are medications available for treating this problem. But you will need your doctor's prescription. So take your meds after you have visited your doctor and have been prescribed them to control your problem.
In conclusion, it can be said that though osteoporosis is not a life-threatening disease as such, it can cause many problems in leading a normal life. Women who suffer from this break their bones easily and can be bed-ridden or in need of wheelchairs for the rest of their lives. So start taking care of your health from now on to make sure you avoid such a future.

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