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What is Brittle Bone Disease? And What Do I Do If I Have It?
9/23 8:58:25
Brittle bone disease, or Osteogenesis Imperfecta, is a disease that affects the bones. It is the bone disease which can be held accountable for causing most childhood bone fractures. And it affects people of all ages.

Brittle bone disease also causes adults to experience bone fractures. You may be interested in learning more about the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment options for this bone disease.

Generally, the condition which causes brittle bones is hereditary, which means that it is passed on from generation to generation. Although it is usually an inherited health condition, it is possible for someone to develop this condition even though they have no family history of it.

The gene that brittle bone disease affects is the one that plays a role in the production of collagen, which plays a very significant role in bone protection.

One of the main symptoms of brittle bone disease is being short and slightly curved over. Some of the other common symptoms of people with this health condition include a tint of blue to the white area of the eyes, scoliosis and hearing loss at a young age. People with brittle bones are also very likely to experience a bone fracture.

Currently, there is no known way to prevent brittle bone disease. However, there are preventative steps that those with this bone condition are recommended to follow in order to keep it under control. A well balanced diet, exercise and a multi-vitamin which consists of Vitamin D and Calcium are recommended to people who have brittle bones.

And along with a balanced diet you can take good quality nutritional supplements as well, because sometimes a good diet isn't enough.

While there is no known treatment option for brittle bone disease at the moment, the same medications that are used to treat osteoporosis are often recommended to sufferers. The same natural prevention methods (well balanced diet, exercise and vitamin supplements) are generally used as a way to treat brittle bone disease.

Much like osteoporosis, brittle bone disease is a serious bone condition that should not be taken lightly. If you think that you or your child may have this bone disease, it is important to seek a doctors evaluation. The sooner that you can begin working on prevention and treatment, the better off you will be.

And if you'd rather not take drugs there are some very good natural and organic supplements available to tackle brittle bones.

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